You ever have a file that is much to large to send via e-mail? Of course you have. Well, you can easily send a file as large as 100Mb by using yousendit’s service. Whomever you send it to must register to download the file, but it’s free both ways.
You ever have a file that is much to large to send via e-mail? Of course you have. Well, you can easily send a file as large as 100Mb by using yousendit’s service. Whomever you send it to must register to download the file, but it’s free both ways.
If you’ve ever had your MacBook stolen you’ll be very interested in the software. It’s called Undercover. Think of it as a […]
Woot sells electronics at bargain prices. The cool thing about it is every day there’s something different as they only host one […]
I’ve been meaning to write a blog post for quite a while. Here are some recommendations of some really cool STUFF for […]
Okay, everybody. It’s time to abandon Entourage forever. Here’s why: 1. Entourage stores its email in a huge database. If you have […]