
36 posts

Is my computer safe during this economic downcline?

Is your computer going through it’s own recession? Is it having a hard time paying memory bills? Is the hard drive getting ready to foreclose on itself? Then maybe it needs some computer stimulus package from MacFAQulty. Don’t let your machine lose it’s way during our nation’s downcline. According to […]

Time Machine advice

Have you noticed Time Machine giving you erroneous error messages? That it failed to backup, but it actually hasn’t? Well, this is not you. It’s a bug that is yet to be fixed as of this writing 10.5.6. If you get it simply go to the time machine icon next […]

iLife 09

Every year or so Apple pushes out a new version of iLife which includes iPhoto, iMovie, iWeb, iDVD, and Garageband. Simply put It’s a worthwhile upgrade. All the programs are better except iDVD because it hasn’t been updated at all. Apple will probably kill it from the next release claiming […]

Drobo version 2

So you’ve got a hard drive and it died. Was it a La Cie? Then of course it died! Well, now you’ve got the FEAR that your other drives will die, too. And, well… I hate to tell you this but they will. All drives die eventually. The ones to […]

Mommy, should I upgrade to Leopard?

The new OS X 10.5 is coming out October 26th for $129. Should you upgrade? Absolutely! Should you do it the day it comes out. That depends… DISCLAIMER: ANYTIME A NEW OPERATING SYSTEM COMES OUT YOU SHOULD BE VERY CERTAIN THAT ALL 3RD PARTY SOFTWARE IS UPDATED BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH […]

Backup Power Supplies

Okie dokey. A recent post of mine mentions backing all your data up. Please do this! Now, you should (don’t should all over yourself) get a back-up power supply also. It is very important to make sure the the backup unit is rated high enough for the wattage of your […]