The new OS X 10.5 is coming out October 26th for $129. Should you upgrade? Absolutely! Should you do it the day it comes out. That depends… DISCLAIMER: ANYTIME A NEW OPERATING SYSTEM COMES OUT YOU SHOULD BE VERY CERTAIN THAT ALL 3RD PARTY SOFTWARE IS UPDATED BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH […]
Okie dokey. A recent post of mine mentions backing all your data up. Please do this! Now, you should (don’t should all over yourself) get a back-up power supply also. It is very important to make sure the the backup unit is rated high enough for the wattage of your […]
You ever have a folder that won’t let you copy anything into it? Or maybe you can read everything in the folder except one file? Well, you can remedy this situation either by using the GET INFO command from the file menu in the Finder or by using Batchmod. It’s […]
You ever have a file that is much to large to send via e-mail? Of course you have. Well, you can easily send a file as large as 100Mb by using yousendit’s service. Whomever you send it to must register to download the file, but it’s free both ways.
Most computer losers know they can take a picture of the screen any old time by either using the GRAB program in the Utilities folder or by chording some keys together. So to take a picture of the screen her are your options: 1. Apple+Shift+3 (takes a picture of the […]
It amazes me how many people do not back up their data. It’s a simple process but you have to be committed to doing it like brushing your teeth, or going to the gym. It’s even easier to backup your Mac with Apple’s Backup program that is part of the […]
Okay, everybody. It’s time to abandon Entourage forever. Here’s why: 1. Entourage stores its email in a huge database. If you have years of email that database can grow to around 4GB in size or higher. This is fine EXCEPT when you have a backup solution. Any time your backup […]