Apple Consulting and Managed Services

Managed Software Center

Occasionally, you’ll see the window below pop up on your screen. It’s an app called Managed Software Center which automatically updates applications every hour. If you have an app that is running, like Chrome, then you will be prompted by Managed Software Center to quit the app before updating it. Managed Software Center will update everything, but it CAN’T update things if you are running them. So simple solution is to quit the app, and then click update.

Sometimes there are multiple apps running that need to be updated. You will have two options:

  1. QUIT ALL OPEN APPS and click “Update All” in Managed Software Center. Once it’s finished, you can reopen your apps.
  2. LOG OUT OF YOUR MACHINE at day’s end (Apple Menu — choose “Log out…”). But leave your machine on! Managed Software Center will apply updates to everything within the hour and your machine will be updated when you log back in.

Managed Software Center requires you to update your apps within 14 days. If you delay updates past this deadline, the software will enforce its update policy, LOGGING YOU OUT, NO MATTER WHAT YOU ARE DOING.

If you need an app that is not on your machine, open Managed Software Center, go to left hand navigation and choose “Software” to find the app you’re looking for.  From here, you can install it without typing any passwords. If there’s an app you’d like that you don’t see listed here, let me know and I’ll add it to the repository.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me.





Above is the Managed Software Center icon that appears in your dock.